Sunday, February 21, 2021

Doctrine for a Troubled World

Peace in the Pandemic Lessons Available from Posting the location and availabilty to all the STREAMING OPTIONS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE ONLINE for CHRISTIANS AND UNBELIEVERS TO FIND RELIEF IN THIS ONGOING "CRISIS" (COVID 19) which has lasted a full year, beginning March, 2020 (or before) well into March, 2021. Go to: Click on: Streaming Lessons )prepared by Speaker: Pastor R.B. Thieme III, Pastor, Berachah Church, Houston, Texas) Scroll down to: Practical Divine Wisdom #70 CLICK ON: The video will appear, click to start, TURN ON SPEAKER. Each video lasts an hour, approximately. THIS IS a series, and will take quite some time to study. Well worth the time to bring peace of mind to everyone seeking an answer to this unGodly period in History. If you seek answers, and peace of mind, and to grow in grace and wisdom and knowledge of the Living Word of God,the Holy Bible-- this will fulfill your longing. Interesting especially to those with evil intentions who dig the pit for others to fall into. God's justice shows exactly how this backfires upon themselves, and how it affects the intended victim. Take heart, God's justice IS at work here.