Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Day's Work The Hard Way

     For some time now I've been going to put stick'em tiles down on that ugly grey kitchen floor. When I did that, though, I was gonna change the water in the fish tank and clean the accumulated gunk in that area. I was waiting on my son to get the big cabinet I traded him out of the living room so I could also rearrange my frontroom to make room for the white desk of his I wanted, then I could move my tv out of the corner and put Mom's and my rocker out of the middle of the walkway. But before I could lay the tiles, I had to scrub each space by hand to get all the dirt off.
        Of course each of these is a major job in itself. I did the entryway yesterday, so of course I had to empty the huge wooden shelf of all its stored goods, move it into the kitchen, stack junk all over every other place that held something, and then put it back over the new tile. I got halfway through the kitchen yesterday.
     So today I started scrubbing an area for tiles, got the rest of the kitchen done starting at 6 am this morning, cleared away all the stands in the fish tank area. After stacking all that stuff precariously around, I  put the fish in buckets on he floor, the bigger ones in one bucket and the guppies and the docile orange glowfish in the other, along with the smaller goldfish. The mean green glowfish got tossed in the pond last summer, to be eaten by the bullfrog, which is what he deserved. Of course, I saw the windows also needed cleaning badly, the tall shelves were dirty,  the plants were dying for want of a drink, so they had to be watered with water from the fishtank. Buckets were everywhere, containing fish, fish tank stuff, dirty fish water, which I carried in shifts out to the Frost Peach, the Red Delicious and Braeburn Apples, all the other plants wanting a drink---all which called for Great Thinking and a break, and a dish of ice cream.
        Several breaks incurred, only five minutes, such as was my custom in the old days. Of course I stopped to give Mom lunch, and then, as the day wore on, Chow Mein, quick and easy.....Of course Bravo kept making off with my tools. I found my good scratch pad outside on the patio, and my ruler half chewed up.  In helping more, he peered in a bucket, deciding what he should do with those funny things swimming around. I helped him decide. He got a drink and was sent to play with something else. But not until he had snatched a rag I was using, and made off with a plastic pour pitcher for filling and emptying......
       Gradually stuff got cleaned. Tile got laid. Skotty came with his two workers and got the big 2 piece cabinet and they moved it out to my utility trailer. I knew I'd forgotten something: to stabilize the rear end. Someone got a free ride on a seesaw when he loaded the first item. I ran out and put the jacks under the rear. Usually I load after it's hooked to the van so I don't need to worry about teeter-tottering.
       Skotty didn't even notice my new floor.
     I was gonna change the stands the tank was on, and put the desk there that I had given to Sheri. So I bawled about that yesterday,  while sitting on the floor scrubbing, but not today when I finally got it done. So tomorrow I'll go over and get Scotty's white desk, and then I'll move the tv over where I want it.
'     As for tonight, the fish are still in the buckets. I filled the big 5 gallon bucket and carried it in several times and filled the tank, after scrubbing out the tank by hand. It's 20 gallon. Before I hit the hay tonight I've gotta scrub the tank bushes so I can put the fishees back. Bravo and DaisyMay are seeing themselves and each other in the window reflection, as it is dark out, and they are barking and howling at those two other dogs outside the window. Ha. Gram is calling them silly dogs.
      So goes the day! It was a "But First,....." kinda day, before "Next......"
      Lots more to finish tomorrow! The garage is a mess, the front yard needs mowing again, living room rearranged, backyard cleaned, stuff needs sorting, tossing , given away or sold............Two little maverick trees growing out of my tire and other planters: a neat little maple and an alder, I think. I'm rusty on my trees. I think I will wait to transplant them out back, though , until fall.
      Praise the Lord, I've gotten some of my old ambition back after all these months of lethargy and sickness and weeping. Checking out Now.

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