Friday, July 5, 2019

Which Loved He Best

                                        Random Thoughts
                                While Watching The Skies

       An old cowgirl sits in the rocking chair, watching the clouds scuttle by, thinking all the things you think when you stop to think about it.  Suddenly comes to her a song she wants to sing, so rattling in her old throat, comes a tune a'moseyin' along---A song! A new song!    And here it be.......

                                     Unrequited Love
                                         Sam James  
                    There's a Lonesome Cowgirl
                                    on the range
                        She's watchin' her Cowboy
                                        as he
                              rides out of sight.
                         Her lonely heart is breakin'
                            with deep remorse--
                           Although he said he
                                     loved her
                            He forsook her for
                                    his horse.

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