Friday, July 22, 2016

Perhaps I'll Come Tonight by Mary Mason

           You may not taste of death, dear
              Perhaps you'll raptured be.
           Quite soon we'll walk the verdant
                together, you and Me.
           You do not know, you cannot
                  The lateness of the day,
             But time is running out, and soon
                 There'll be no time to pray.
             This is the hour of readiness,
                  So set your house aright.
            I did not come today, so look
                   For Me to come tonight.
               And if I do not come tonight,
                     Tomorrow scan the sky
               Rejoicing as you watch for Me,
                  For oh! The time draws night!
                All Heaven's host expectant waits;
                         Angelic choirs prepare;
                 A multitude of long-dead saints
                         are longing so to share
                  The glories of their Heavenly
                           with those they loved in life;
                    The Bridegroom yearns to claim
                               His own,
                         His waiting, chosen wife
                     So look for Me and keep your
                          Unblemished, pure and white.
                      I did not come today, but oh!
                             Perhaps I'll come tonight!

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