Sunday, April 7, 2013

IMAGE OF A PERFECT SON by N.A.Vincent now available at Archives 2003

My first book, Image Of A Perfect Son, is availabe in ebook and paperback at, Archives year 2003, and also listed in the 2012 Miami Book Fare's catalog for Authorhouse. This is Book One: The Rise, first in a series of 5, then sequences of the era. All sequences are written, and available a little later on to the public on electronic means. (As soon as I find out how to do it.....). I can be contacted through my blog, if you are interested.
    I designed the cover for this book myself, but the artistic staff at Authorhouse put it all together and did the final draft. I wanted to have their names so as to give them credit, but the company said something like it wasn't their policy. Well, credit gives where credit is due, I say. So much for big corporations.

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